Yesterday I was working on a AutoHotKey project and was wondering if It was possible to automate the extraction of the age from a facebook profile without making use of API or Facebook Graph.
This applies to whatever value you can’t (or you don’t want) obtain through official APIs.
IE := ComObjCreate("InternetExplorer.Application")
IE.Visible := True
DOB := ""
Elements := IE.document.getElementsByClassName("_50f3")
Loop, % Elements.Length
;if Elements[A_Index-1].innerText ~= "^Born on"
; NAME := Elements[A_Index-1].innerText
if Elements[A_Index-1].innerText ~= "^Born on"
DOB := Elements[A_Index-1].innerText
FileAppend, >>> %DOB% `n, CONOUT$
Sleep, 100
Until DOB
StringTrimLeft, OutputVar, % DOB, 18