Fix EPOS Adapt 260 only red blinking

If you let the battery drain out completely while the headset is paired, the device will disconnect and enter a “glitched” state where it becomes completely unrensposive (not even after charging it or trying to plug it via USB instead of the bluetooth dongle) and the only thing it’ll do is blink rapidly twice in red when you press the microphone button to turn it on or off.

August 18, 2024

Circumventing firewalls with HTTPS traffic

Firewalls that only allow standard ports (such as HTTP, HTTPS) can be easily circumvented by proxying all traffic trough port 443, using an external machine. Here’s a minimal setup to obtain so with proxytunnel: Apache2, running on the external machine: [...] ProxyRequests On AllowConnect 22 <Proxy *> Order deny,allow Deny from all </Proxy> <Proxy> Order deny,allow Allow from all </Proxy> [...] Local SSH configuration: Host vps_proxy ProxyCommand proxytunnel -q -E -p VPS_IP:443 -d 127....

November 22, 2023

Android rooting in 2022

Rooting a Xiaomi phone in 2022

February 1, 2022

Docker Quickstart

Cleaning up: Stopped containers: docker container prune Stop all containers: docker container stop $(docker container ls -aq) Dangling images: docker image prune Images with no containers: docker image prune -a All but volumes: docker system prune All: docker system prune --volumes Volumes not in use: docker volume prune Remove all containers: docker rm $(docker ps -aq) Remove all images: docker rmi $(docker images -q) docker run --rm -it --entrypoint bash testror docker run --rm -it --entrypoint bash --user root testror docker logs -f ror2-server

November 20, 2020

Debian Sid logbook

LaTex package “float” broke after texlive 20190830 After updating texlive to the 20190830 version, the “float” package started working, giving ! LaTeX Error: Unknown float option 'H'. even if the same file was compiling correctly before and \usepackage{float} is used. You need to downgrade at least to the 20190227 version. I did apt purge texlive* then tried to install texlive from the stable distribution (buster is shipping 20190227) but even after having purged everything related to texlive the system could not install that version for broken dependencies/wrong versions....

December 20, 2018

PunkBuster error - 'The extract file failed an authenticity check'

Recently a friend tried to install Battlefield 3 after some years and was unable to install Punkbuster due to the error The extract file failed an autheticity check during the services install. There’s no official solution or reason to this error. basically, Punkbuster services can’t be copied/installed or can’t run correctly. First of all clean your system from every trace of PB software (regedit, services) and try an admin-install of the PunkBuster Setup (PBSetup) and the PunkBuster Service Installer (pbsvc). If you keep getting the error, the installer can’t copy the services executables into the windows folder (or it’s copying a corrupt copy of them). We can force this manually moving these files. ...

October 27, 2016

Web scraping with AutoHotKey

Yesterday I was working on a AutoHotKey project and was wondering if It was possible to automate the extraction of the age from a facebook profile without making use of API or Facebook Graph. This applies to whatever value you can’t (or you don’t want) obtain through official APIs. IE := ComObjCreate("InternetExplorer.Application") IE.Visible := True Check(){ ComObjError(0) DOB := "" Loop { Elements := IE.document.getElementsByClassName("_50f3") Loop, % Elements.Length ;if Elements[A_Index-1].innerText ~= "^Born on" ; NAME := Elements[A_Index-1]....

October 27, 2016

Allow only SFTP and chroot user

useradd sftp-only create user In /etc/ssh/sshd_config comment the existing line starting with Subsystem sftp and add: Subsystem sftp internal-sftp Match user sftp-only ChrootDirectory /path/to/the/dir X11Forwarding no AllowTcpForwarding no ForceCommand internal-sftp service sshd restart The folder must be owned by root, remember to set the read/write permission for the user. User will be chrooted to the selected folder and won’t be able to use ssh or the shell.

Android Virtual Device - not starting with hardware acceleration

libGL error: unable to load driver: or GLX generic errors. If you can’t launch the emulator from Android Studio with hardware emulation enabled because of these errors it’s probably because the AVD is starting using wrong versions of the libraries. Manually start the emulator and append -use-system-libs as flag, like this: avivace@debian-tp:~/Android/Sdk/tools$ ./emulator -avd AVD_NAME -use-system-libs The emulator starts with default console port 5554 and should be automatically seen as available device by Android Studio....

Chromium: Google Hangouts screensharing not working

If you try and enable the screen sharing feature during a call on Hangouts on Chromium on Debian, it happens absolutely nothing, no error is reported. This is because the Chromium package in the debian repositories is built with the enable_hangout_services_extension=false flag (every other feature of Hangouts actually works). You can download the source, edit the rules file and enable that flag. The produced Chromium package will have the screen sharing feature correctly working....