gbdev updates - November 2020

About gbdev “gbdev” is the home of the Game Boy development scene. A community of retro-hardware enthusiasts. Maintaning and developing many projects, including RGBDS, the de-facto standard development toolkit, curated collections of resources, documentation efforts, digital preservation and an open archive of homebrews. Follow the Game Boy Development (gbdev) initiative on Twitter, join us on Discord or check our website at I serve as community leader and directly mantain some of the projects under the gbdev umbrella....

November 7, 2020

What to ask in job interviews

Context: I’m a computer scientist/engineer and during 2018 and 2019 (while I was 23-24) I started being involved and committed in a lot of side activities, while getting my MS in Computer Science. I’ve been recently asked by a lot of friends and collegues finishing college, transitioning jobs or starting a master how to choose a job and what factors/which positions and employers should they consider in picking activities and contracts....

September 1, 2020

Block someone who blocked you on Instagram

The blocking mechanism on Instagram isn’t exactly well-designed: Blocking someone allows you to be unblock-able from that account, while still being able to view its content freely, completely hidden for the other account (unblocking and re-blocking fastly). There’s no way to know if someone is watching your stories or content if they have blocked you, since watching (with a script) for the split second they have unblocked you to see your content will rapidly lead to a rate-limiting error....

July 30, 2018

The Perfect Markdown + LaTeX workflow

How to mix plain markdown and latex and get beautiful results while writing human stuff. (with results being PDF, XHTML, HTML5, docx, EPUB, LaTex and many more). Pandoc allows you to get the best of the two worlds without compromises: readable plain text files with latex expressions and everything offered by latex rendering and packages. You can write code-blocks with specific language syntax highlight, normal markdown and LaTex parts. To place something written in TeX in mathmode, use $ signs to enclose the math you want to display, exactly what you would do in a normal LaTex file....

January 28, 2017