I am a 29 years old computer engineer, based in Paris and working at EUROCONTROL.
You can find me on GitHub and Fedi as well.
I break stuff and.. do things?
I am involved in some activities related to digital preservation, software development, open source and hacktivism.
At EUROCONTROL, I’m working on the modernisation of ESCAPE, a scalable air traffic management real-time simulation platform.
I have a BSc and a MS in Computer Science. I got the BSc with a thesis on Integer programming approaches to the DNA recombination problem in ciliates and the master working on the CMS detector at the Large Hadron Collider, upgrading and modernising the trigger monitoring software.
Show me something cool
Oke, here’s some fancy stuff running in the browser:
- Interactive and real time 2D simulation of the Kalman Filter in use to reduce statistical input noise.
- A simulation of Physarum, the “smart slime mould” able to solve mazes.
- “Knark”, a Game Boy demoscene ROM from 2003 running in your browser thanks to a webassembly build of a Game Boy emulator. This is just an entry in Homebrew Hub, a digital repository I’m building to help preserve and distribute homebrew games for old game consoles.

Open Source
I’m involved in:
- gbdev and gbadev. Home of the Game Boy and Game Boy Advance development scene. A community of retro-hardware enthusiasts. Maintaining and developing many projects, including curated collections of resources, documentation efforts, digital preservation, and an open digital repository of homebrews. I serve as open source program manager.
- ondata - Italian association dedicated to promoting the transparency, openness, and accessibility of public data. We advocate for open data policies and support projects usinng those datasets for social good.
- emergenzeHack. Community civic hacking effort, supported by ActionAid, producing open data and open source tools to face emergencies and help the population during crises (such as the Covid19 outbreak or the 2016 central Italy earthquake).
Past involvements:
- CoderBot. A programmable robot with educational purposes developed by unimib.
- dailyProgrammer, an app for coders, developers, or students: daily coding challenges for learning, refreshing, or just for fun.
- Virgilio Data Science. A Machine Learning and Data Science online course.
More contributions can be found on my GitHub profile.
Some of the last things I did:
- Software Engineer at CERN (2019-2023), I started building an Open Archival Information System for the Digital Memory project. I was also involved in digital libraries software enabling Open Data (and Access), such as InvenioRDM (the software powering Zenodo) and Archiver, a European initiative for archiving and preservation of research environments.
- Other contributions included working on the Trigger Monitoring software of the CMS detector at the LHC, as part of the Trigger Studies Group.
- Technical Coach, Teacher of a coding class in middle school at “Scuola Primaria Bergognone” (Milan) for Girls Code it Better, a project trying to bridge the gender gap in STEM subjects. Three weekly hours. I wrote a blog post about this (2018-2019).
- Teaching Assistant of the Python for Data Science and Introduction to AI online courses offered by unimib (2020, 2021).
- Technical leader of the CoderBot project at unimib. I was in charge of restructuring the full software stack, re-designing APIs and developing a new UI using reactive frameworks while leading and supervising a team of 8 graduating Computer Science students working on the project (2018-2019).
This kind of stuff is (probably) more updated on my LinkedIn page or in my résumé.
- The Challenge of Digital Preservation at CERN
- (Italian) Come assicurarsi che nessuno si interessi ai tuoi dati aperti
I was interviewed for:
- ‘GitHub ReadME’ - What we can learn from vintage computing
- ‘GitHub ReadME’ - Open source is democratizing video game development