Views, thoughts, and opinions expressed here belong solely to the author, and not necessarily to the author’s (past or present) employer, organization, committee or any other group or individual the author’s may be or may have been affiliated with.

01 February 2022
Android rooting in 2022

Rooting a Xiaomi phone in 2022

07 November 2020
gbdev updates - November 2020

What's going on in the Game Boy development community? Hacktoberfest post-mortem and drama, GBA dev, moderation team updates, new chat channels.

01 September 2020
What to ask in job interviews

Yes, you should be the one asking them. How to realise how many possibilities you have as a "programmer" and evaluate them while avoiding choice fatique and the burden of choosing among so much different scenarios.

01 February 2020
Open Source netiquette and practises

Open Source practises

13 November 2018
Girls Code It Better

Post mortem of my experience teaching a Coding class for the "Girls Code it Better" project.

30 July 2018
Block someone who blocked you on Instagram

Hijacking Instagram web application AJAX calls to do something not available in the UI.

28 January 2017
The Perfect Markdown + LaTeX workflow

Mix plain markdown and LaTex and get beautiful results while writing human-readable stuff(with results being PDF, HTML, docx and many more).